Document Type : Original Article
1 Associate Professor of Operative and Esthetic Department, School of Dentistry, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
2 Dentist
In this study, the relative frequency of factors, that cause the necessity for replacement of dental amalgam restorations in patients referred to Operative Department of Isfahan DentalSchool was clinically and radiographic evaluated (year: 2000 2001). In addition, the prevalence of diagnostic instances through clinical examination and radiographic inspection was compared.Four hundred cases were included in this study. The type of research was descriptive. Regular explorer, plain mouth mirror, dental floss and light of dental unit were utilized for clinical registration. Isolation was performed by saliva ejector and cotton roles. Bitewing radiography technique was used for radiographic inspection. Relative frequency of secondary caries, overhang, tooth fracture, amalgam bulk fracture and marginal fracture were 66.25 %, 23.5 %, 19.5 %, 15.25 %, 23.5 %, and 4.5 %, respectively. There was no significant difference in diagnosis overhang between the results of the clinical examination and the radiographic inspection. In other instances, clinical examinationhad a significant more diagnostic value. The high relative frequency of recurrent caries factor indicates the importance of proper cavitypreparation, optimal material selection and accurate material manipulation, and also oral hygiene education to the patients.Key words:Amalgam,Recurrent Caries,Overhang, Tooth Fracture, Bulk Fracture, Marginal Fracture