Document Type : Original Article
Assistant Professor of Orthodontic Department School of Dentistry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Tooth movement can be considered as one of the most important fields of research in orthodontics. A basic question in tooth movement has been evaluated. Does "CRes" move the same distance in different types of tooth movement while the force is kept constant? According to biomechnics, the applied force is the main determinant of ''CRes" translation. FEM was employed to evaluate the problem. A 3D model was desinged and built in ANSYS Ver 5.40. The same amount of root displacement at the level of "CRes" along the force vector was shown while the force was kept constant. There were differentM/F ratios with a constant force. In this way, the efficiency of FEM was proved again and a simple mechanical law was also shown clearly. Key words: Center of resistance, M/F (Moment to force ratio), Finite Elment Method