Document Type : Original Article
1 Associate Professor of Pediatric Dentistry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
2 Dentist
The present research was carried out on 506 school children, which were selected according to clustering random sampling. Duncan test, Chi-Square test and Analysis of Variance were applied. The results included:1.The percentage of fluorosis was 85% and the flourosis prevalence was more in male than female, however, the differences were not statistically significant. 2. There was statistically significant relation between flourosis and DMFT score. 3. Using Dean’s criteria, a large number of cases (p=0.001) had dental fluorosis (grades 1 to 2). 4. The highest degree of dental caries was found in the grade 4 of fluorosis. In the meantime, the lowest degree of decayed teeth had been observed among less fluorosed teeth (grade 2). 5. No statistically significant relation was found between fluorosis and sex. 6. The mean DMFT score was 1.8 and the mean ofDMFT components were: D=1.62, M=0.04 and F=0.13Key words: Dental Fluorosis, DMFT, Dayyer