Document Type : Case Report


1 Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Gulhane Health Sciences Institute, Ankara, Turkey.

2 Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Gulhane Health Sciences Institute, Ankara, Turkey.

3 Dept. of Pathology, Gulhane Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.


The congenital gingival granular cell tumor (CGCT), also as known as congenital epulis, is an unusual benign oral mucosal lesion in newborns. A two-day-old female patient was admitted to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Gulhane Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey with her family, and an intraoral examination showed a CGCT located in the buccal region of the maxillary right first primary molar. In this report, we present a case of CGCT in a newborn. Keywords ● Congenital epulis  ● Newman tumor  ● Oral mucosa