Document Type : Case Report
Dept. of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran
A case of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) occurring in a 1 5-year-old Iranian boy is reported. This case is associated with chewing of Supari for a long ti-me. The close association between areca nut chewing and development of OSF with a risk of oral cancer has been demonstrated in many studies. The-re is no cure for OSF. Education and prevention seem to be the only way to reduce the risk of OSF. This article reviews the etiology, clinical presentation and treatment plan of OSF. This case reveals a correlation between the regular use of Supari (which contains areca nut) and OSF. This association has already been reported among Indian children but in Iran it has not still been reported.KEY WORDS: Oral- Submucous; Fibrosis;Supari-betelnut