1 Dept. of Orthodontics , School of Dentistry , Islamic Azadi University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN
2 Dept. of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry , Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, IRAN
3 Dept. of Dental Material , School of Dentistry, Islamic Azadi University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN
Statement of Problem: One of the considerations regarding the space analysis in study casts is the issue of speed and precision in analysis.
Purpose: This research aimed to design a software to conduct space analysis and evaluate its accuracy compared to manual space analysis.
Materials and Method: This reasearch was conducted in two stages: Exploratory and Cross- Sectional. The subjects were selected randomly from patients between 7 to 11 years of age referring to the orthodontics clinic at the dentistry school of the Islamic Azad University. About 30 study models (15 pairs) were randomly selected. Space analysis with manual method was performed .Space analysis with the aid of Cyber Space Analysis software was also carried out by locating the required landmarks on digital images of dental casts. The accuracy of this software in comparison with the manual method in space analysis for mixed dentition was evaluated using T student test.
Results: The average time required for space analysis using the software was 3.4 minutes as compared to the manual method which took 7.81 minutes on average. The results from software-assisted space analysis showed no significant difference with that obtained from the manual method ( p < 0.0001).
Conclusion: The results from software-assisted space analysis were similar to those of the manual method. However, software-assisted space analysis is carried out more quickly than the manual method.